Sarah Clapp Haworth Collection

Oral history interview with Sarah Clapp Haworth
Sarah Clapp Haworth speaks of her early life, military service, and life after her service. Haworth discusses her experiences during the service, her time in Washington D.C., her teaching career, and her husband, Byron Haworth, who was a Quaker and conscientious objector from World War II onward.
Portrait of Sarah Haworth
Portrait of Sarah Haworth, circa 1942. She wears the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps winter service uniform and cap, with Washington, DC, military district shoulder sleeve insignia. The photo was taken at Rembrandt Studios, Washington, DC.
WAAC Company 177, 3rd Regiment
Portrait of WAAC Company 177, 3rd Regiment, 1st WAAC Training Center, at Fort Des Moines, Iowa, 1942. The company was led by Captain Henry Daughters, Tactical Officer, and 3rd Officer Vonda Keith, Acting Company Commander, both pictured. The WAACs pictured wear the utility coat and service cap.