Therese Robinson Oral History

Oral history interview with Therese Robinson
Primarily documents Therese Robinson's career in the U.S. Air Force from 1984 to 2005, including assignments to Saudi Arabia during the Gulf War and Afghanistan during the War on Terror. Robinson shares her memories of attending Fresno State University in the early eighties and completing the school's air force ROTC program. She discusses her family and friends' response to her decision to serve, and shares her reasons why she joined the ROTC program. She recalls Field Training Camp at Vandenberg Air Force Base, being assigned to the air weapons control field, and a friendship with a fellow servicewoman in the field. She goes on to discuss being reassigned to the services field as a daycare facilities inspector. Topics include: inspecting childcare facilities throughout the U.S.; utilizing her undergraduate degree; and being stationed in the Philippines at Clark Air Force Base. At length she discusses her assignment in Riyadh Air Base in Saudi Arabia during the Gulf War. Topics include: traveling, witnessing a beheading in "Chop Chop Square," and being a woman in a conservative Islamic country. She also talks at length about her assignment to Kabul, Afghanistan during the War on Terror. Topics include: working to create a civilian component of the Afghan National Army (ANA); living and working as a woman; mentoring two female ANA generals; and aiding local childcare facilities. General service topics include: military service at wartime; being reprimanded by a supervisor; the difficulties in working for female supervisors; balancing work and motherhood; changes in the air force over twenty-one years; retiring before becoming a full colonel; equality with servicemen; and travel.