Caroline Morrison Garrett Collection
A table set for Christmas dinner
A long table set for a Christmas dinner awaits the arrival of the German POWs who are patients of Ward 2B of Kennedy General Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee, in 1945. The table is set with traditional fruit centerpieces, plates, silverware, and candles. Stockings, Christmas cards, a Christmas tree, a banner proclaiming "Merry Christmas" a paraplegic patient dressed as Santa Claus, and hospital beds can be seen in the background.
Army Nurse Corps unit at Fort Sam Houston, Texas
Members of a basic training class at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, pose for a group photo at Brooke General Hospital during basic training in 1945. All of the women wear the Army Nurse Corps or Medical Specialist Corps service dress uniform with service caps, gloves, and ANC utility bags. Dietitian Caroline Morrison Garrett is on the third row, right." Pictured are: Fourth row, left to right: Myra Harris, Janet Fox, Violet [Kaskela?]. Third row, left to right: Elena [O'Leen?], Katherine Jones, Connie Sandmier, Katherine Walsh, Marie Lanou, Phyllis Rowe, Caroline Morrison Garrett. Second row, left to right: Barbara Church, Lellum Ford, Frances Kiel, Eileen Welsh, Maria Dow, Marjorie [Pabot?], Dorothy Banard, Elizabeth Barnes. First row,left to right: Avis [Thugge?], Anne Paradise, Mary Schroeder, Josephine [Woolerton?], Betty Louise Johnson, Doris May Dyer, Margaret Holster, Carrie Partridge.
Army Nurse Corps unit at graduation
After graduating basic training, Caroline Morrison and her fellow dietitians pose for a group photo outside Brooke General Hospital at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, on 13 December 1945. All women wear the ANC service dress uniform, cap, and boots with ANC utility bags slung across their right shoulders." Pictured are: Fourth row: Violet Kaskela, Janet Fox, and Megan Harris. Third row: Katherine Welsh, Caroline Morrison, Marie Lanou, Phyllis Rowe, Elena [O'Leen?], Katherine Jones, and Connie Sandmier. Second row: Barbara Church, Lillian Ford, Frances Kiel, Eileen Welch, Maria Dow, Marjorie [Pabot?],Dorothy Banard, and Elizabeth Barnes. First row: Carrie Partridge, Margaret Holster, Doris May Dyer, Betty Louise Johnson, Josephine [Woolerton?], Mary Schroeder, Anne Paradise, and Avis [Thugge?].
Army dietitians in El Paso
Lieutenant Caroline Morrison Garrett (center), Alice Strong (left), and Janet Fox (right) pose for a photograph in El Paso, Texas, in August 1947. Morrison is wearing an army beige off-duty dress and garrison cap. Alice Strong and Janet Fox are both wearing civilian clothing. The text of the photograph states that this is Morrison's last day in the army, and that she is "off to Connecticut from El Paso."
Captain Smith at Kennedy General Hospital
Captain Smith, the chief dietitian of Kennedy General Hospital, poses for a picture in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1946. Smith is dressed in an Army Nurse Corps (ANC) off-duty dress uniform and service cap. She has an ANC service bag tucked under her left arm.
Carol and Hazel Morrison
Second Lieutenant Carol Morrison Garrett (left) and her mother, Hazel Morrison, pose by a palm tree at Bonita Grove in Homestead, Florida, in 1945. Carol Morrison is wearing the Army Medical Specialist Corps olive drab service uniform and garrison cap. A stone wall, houses, and an open air structure can be seen in the background.
Caroline Morrison Garrett
Second lieutenant Caroline Morrison Garrett is pictured in front of brick building while stationed at Kennedy General Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1946. She is wearing a white Army Nurse Corps (ANC) cap, an ANC striped seersucker hospital uniform, and an ANC cardigan style jacket over her uniform.
Caroline Morrison and Eileen Welch shop in San Antonio, Texas
Caroline Morrison (left) and Eileen Welch (right) shop in San Antonio, Texas, while stationed at Fort Sam Houston in 1945. Both women are wearing Army Nurse Corps (ANC) olive drab service uniforms and caps. Morrison is carrying a purchased item, and Welch has an ANC utility bag slung over her shoulder.
Caroline Morrison and Fran Taylor in New Orleans
Carol Morrison Garrett (right) and Fran Taylor (left) pose for a photograph in New Orleans in 1946. Garrett is wearing an olive drab service dress uniform and army garrison cap. Taylor is dressed in an Army Nurse Corps wool overcoat and garrison cap.
Caroline Morrison and Marie Lanou
Carol Morrison (right) and Marie Lanou (left) pose for a photograph before leaving Bethel, Connecticut, for basic training at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, in 1945. Morrison and Lanou are both wearing Army Medical Specialist Corps service uniforms and caps. Both women have ANC utility bags slung over their left shoulders and a pair of dress gloves in their left hands.
Caroline Morrison and Peg Ward in Austin, Texas
In 1946 Caroline Morrison Garrett (right) and Peg Ward (left) walk down a street with off duty in Austin, Texas. Both women are wearing Army Nurse Corps (ANC) off-duty uniform dresses and army garrison caps.
Caroline Morrison and mess hall crew at Biggs Field, Texas
Caroline Morrison Garrett (center) poses with the mess hall crew at Biggs Field in El Paso, Texas, in 1946. Morrison is dressed in an Army Nurse Corps (ANC) striped seersucker hospital uniform with lieutenant insignia on the right collar. A military overseas service poster can be seen in the background.
Caroline Morrison in Memphis, Tennesse
Caroline Morrison Garret (right) and an unnamed sergeant pose outside a building while stationed at Kennedy General Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1946. Caroline Morrison is wearing the army seersucker hospital uniform. The text on the back of the photograph identifies the unnamed women as:"Sgt who joined army to make up losing Farm in depression. Saw all her quarts of canned good sold at auction for 10¢ [a] quart!"
Caroline Morrison on duty at Biggs Field, Texas
Lieutenant Caroline Morrison Garrett is photographed at a desk while on duty at Biggs Field in El Paso, Texas, in 1947. Morrison is dressed in an Army Medical Specialist Corps brown and white striped seersucker nurse's work uniform and cap. A rotary telephone, army typewriter, and filing cabinet can also be seen in the photo.
Dietitian interns at Walter Reed Army Medical Center
A class of dietitian interns pose for a picture at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C., in 1945. Caroline Morrison Garrett is back row, center. Also pictured are: First row: Anne Paradise, Josephine Wolverton, Marie Apostle, Mary Schroeder, Eileen Welch, Natalie McChrystal, and Elizebeth Barnes. Second row: Marie Lanou, Marion Dow, Frances Dunlop, Dorothy Barnard, Emma Hayes, and Janvaria Heimerl. Third row: Patricia Martin(L), and Myra Harris (R).
Dietitians by fountain at Willow Glen Convalescence Center
Caroline Morrison Garrett (center) and two companions, presumably fellow dietitians, pose for a photograph by a fountain while employed at Willow Glen Convalescent Center in San Jose, California, in 19458. All three women are hospital uniforms and caps; one wears a dark blue cape, possibly from the Army Nurse Corps.
Marie Lanou and Eileen Welch at Walter Reed General Hospital
Marie Lanou and Eileen Welch stand outside of the nurses' quarters at Walter Reed General Hospital in Washington D.C., in 1945. Both women are wearing civilian clothing. The text on the back of the photograph reads:"Nurses Quarters- our rooms in the basement."
Marie Lanou and Russian soldier
Marie Lanou and a Russian soldier pose by a car in 1946. Marie Lanou is wearing an Army Nurse Corps (ANC) service dress uniform and garrison cap without the jacket. An ANC utility bag is slung over her Lanou's left shoulder. The unidentified Russian appears to be wearing a Soviet Union M-43 tunic uniform, trousers, and field boots.