Lucy Slade Libby Collection
369th Station Hospital, Saipan
A servicewoman walks past two temporary structures, one serving as the Personnel Section for the 369th Station Hospital in Saipan, in fall 1944. The road that runs past the structure is muddy due to rainy season precipitation.
A couple cut their wedding cake
A couple who has just been married cut their wedding cake while the servicemen and women in attendance look on, taken at Camp Davis, North Carolina, circa 1944. Lucy Slade Libby (right, in white ARC uniform with nurses' cap) served as the bride's only attendant. The groom, a serviceman, was a patient of Libby's, as were all of the other men in the photo except for the chaplain.
Army nurses aboard U.S.S. Sitka
Lucy Slade Libby (front) and three other servicewomen sit on the deck of the U.S.S. Sitka in early 1946. Libby wears a civilian bikini and ANC shoes.
Lucy Slade Libby and Korean patients
Lucy Slade Libby (second from right, back row) poses with two other ANC nurses and four of their patients at the 369th Station Hospital in Saipan in October of 1944. The 369th treated Koreans who had been taken prisoner by the Japanese and forced into slavery on Saipan.
Lucy Slade Libby and Mary Carolyn Price
Lucy Slade Libby stands beside Mary Carolyn Price while at home in Blanch, North Carolina, in the spring of 1943. Libby wears the newly revised ANC beige summer dress uniform.
Lucy Slade Libby and serviceman in Guam
Lucy Slade Libby poses with an unidentified serviceman at the 204th General Hospital in Guam in fall of 1945. She wears an ANC olive drab skirt, garrison cap, and khaki shirt.
Lucy Slade Libby at Camp Davis
Lucy Slade Libby stands outside hospital buildings at Camp Davis, North Carolina, circa 1942. She wears the ANC blue wool overcoat and matching garrison cap.
Lucy Slade Libby at nurse quarters
Lucy Slade Libby poses on the steps of Esther N. Henderson's nurse quarters of the 204th General Hospital, Guam, in fall 1945. She wears an ANC olive drab skirt, garrison cap, and khaki shirt.
Lucy Slade Libby holds Japanese surrender flag
Lucy Slade Libby and a corpsman pose with a Japanese surrender flag in front of the headquarters of the 176th Station Hospital in Saipan, circa 1944. Libby, wearing an ANC hospital uniform, indicates in her caption that Japanese soldiers would occasionally enter the camp to surrender.
Lucy Slade Libby in ANC cape, NC
Lucy Slade Libby poses in front of a building at Camp Davis, North Carolina, circa 1942. She wears the ANC blue wool cape with her Duke University nurses dress and cap.
Lucy Slade Libby in bikini
Lucy Slade Libby, wearing a bikini and her ANC-issued shoes, sits on the deck of the U.S.S. Sitka en route to San Pedro, California, in early 1946.
Lucy Slade Libby in hospital uniform
Lucy Slade Libby poses at Camp Davis, North Carolina, circa 1943. She wears a white hospital uniform and cap, possibly her Duke University nursing school uniform.
Lucy Slade Libby in jeep
Lucy Slade Libby sits in a jeep with her cousin, Pemberton Slade, at the 176th Station Hospital in Saipan, circa 1944. To the right is the nurses quarters, and in the background is the hospital.
Lucy Slade Libby on hilltop
Lucy Slade Libby, in the ANC khaki shirt, dark olive drab summer slacks, and a head wrap, stands with her hands on her hips on a hilltop in Guam in late 1945.