Maxine Virginia Easter Collection

313rd General Hospital
Hospital tents for patients at the 313rd General Hospital in the Philippines, 1944.
313rd General Hospital
Army nurses' tents at the 313rd General Hospital in the Philippines, circa 1944.
Army nurse at ruins
Army nurse at ruins, circa 1944.
Director's Conference, Naval Medical School
Group photo of head nurses from around the country who attended the Director's Conference at the Naval Medical School in Bethesda, Maryland on 24 October 1969. Participants are pictured in the Navy Nurse Corps dark blue uniform with white gloves and combination hat." Pictured are: (front row) RADM Ballenger, Capt. Vitilla, Capt. Bulshefski, Capt. Collins, Capt. Reilly, Capt. Blaska; (second row) Capt. Smith, Capt. Kovacevich, Capt. Murray, Capt. Feeney, Capt. Brooks, Capt. Maguire, Capt. Smoker; (third row) CDR Butler, CDR Morgan, Capt. Conrad, CDR Williams, Capt. Cannon, CDR Hogan, Capt Morin, CDR Pojeky, CDR Maxine Easter; (fourth row) CDR Hurst, CDR McCleary, CDR Dehler, CDR Walsh, CDR Eberharter, CDR Cornelius, CDR Stafford, CDR Slate, CDR Graves, CDR Shedyak, CDR Yankoski, CDR Brennan, Capt. Schmid, CDR Schuh, CDR Burcham; (fifth row): CDR Houghton, CDR Heimberger, Capt. Duerk, CDR Roller.
Enlisted Training Service graduation
Group photo of the U.S. Navy Enlisted Training Service graduating class and their instructors in Portsmouth, Virginia, on 3 April 1959. Pictured are: (first row) Reid, Gagne, Brockway, Mayes, Doyle, Maxine Easter, Witcofski, Waters, Pike, Holmes, Lovvorn, Mathes; (second row) Reid, Crafton, Blanton, Gemmill, Phelps, Gronski, Cash, Jepson, Rogers, Younger, Foley, Jordan, McMillen, Griffith; (third row) McCurdy, Bader, Sly, Spiddle, Gagnon, Dumlao, Potts, Hayes, Brouillette, French, Smith, Poppineau, Burton, Jr."(fourth row) Adkins, Sweeney, Davis, Weinstein, Gannon, Simons, Plichta, McCullough, Reimer, Keys, Rising, Des Jardins, Mersey, Woodie; (fifth row) Petree, Jr.; St Hilaire, Hyman, Kranhenbuhl, Jr.; Riel, Donnelly, Bruce, Wentzel, Marietta, Simpson, Routon, Jr.; Willhoite, Gist.
Maxine Easter and Norfolk nursing staff
Maxine Easter (second from right, in NNC hospital duty uniform and ward cap) and four other members of the Norfolk (Virgina) clinic nursing staff prepare to cut an anniversary cake in 1964-1965.
Maxine Easter at podium
Maxine Easter speaks at a podium outside a building at the Portsmouth Naval Hospital, circa 1970.
Maxine Easter in classroom
Maxine Easter poses in front of a chalkboard and medical diagrams at the Portsmouth (Virgina) Naval Hospital, where she served as an instructor in B School of the Enlisted Training Service, on 13 May 1958. Official Navy Photograph.
Maxine Easter in hospital duty uniform
Maxine Easter, in hospital duty uniform, stands beside a chair, circa 1960.
Maxine Easter in nurse uniform
Maxine Easter poses on steps to a building while serving in the Army Nurse Corps, circa 1955.
Maxine Easter in summer recruiting dress
Portrait of Maxine Easter in NNC light blue summer service dress and combination hat, holding black gloves, circa 1970.
Maxine Easter in uniform
Maxine Easter poses in her summer light blue Navy cord uniform holding black gloves, circa 1956.
Maxine Easter in uniform
Maxine Easter in black or navy blue evening dress or mess uniform, circa 1960.
Maxine Easter in uniform
Maxine Easter in uniform, circa 1960.
Maxine Easter on anniversary of Navy Nurse Corps
Maxine Easter (center, in NNC white evening dress) and two women in civilian clothes hold a sword while standing above a cake celebrating the 62nd anniversary of Navy Nurse Corps at Port Hueneme, California, in May 1970.
Maxine Easter on ship headed to the Philippines
Maxine Easter (right, in sunglasses) and other Army nurses in wooden lounge chairs on board a ship to the Philippines in 1944.
Maxine Easter writes on chalkboard
Maxine Easter, in Army Nurse Corps hospital duty uniform and traditional ward cap, teaches Army personnel in Stuttgart, Germany, circa 1955.
Maxine Easter's retirement
Maxine Easter marches past a line of sailors in review during her retirement ceremony in July 1970. Easter is wearing the Navy Nurse Corps summer service dress and black gloves.
Navy Nursing Administration Conference
Group photo of attendees of the Nursing Administration Conference for New Commanders in 1969. Participants wear the Navy Nurse Corps officer's light blue summer service dress with black gloves and combination hat." Pictured are: (front row) Mary Burch, Unidentified, Antoinette Garavaglia, Louise Jakshe, Edith Prencipe, Unidentified, Theresa Proto, Eileen McCarthy, Katherine Wilson; (second row) Maxine Easter, Miriam Sherman, Anna Fogarty, Eva Jones, May L. Reid, Barbara Bernstein, Helen Furmanchik, Imogene Johnson; (third row) LCDR Angeline Liakos, Ruth Halvorson, Claire Shea, Harriet Simmons, Ann Kubicz, Rae Leff, Mary R. Morry, Althea Livirrie; (fourth row) Harriet Ryan, Elizabeth Pfeffer, Katherine Howard, Betty Jo Alexander, Virgina Seledyn, Harriet Lanaghan, Janice Burcham, Irene Wujcik; (fifth row) Helen Roller, Ruby Brooks, Margaret Donoghue, Rachel Fine.
Portrait of Maxine Easter
Portrait of Maxine Easter upon her retirement at Port Hueneme, California, 1 July 1970.