Warren Henry Manning Drawings
Sketch Plan and Elevations of Metalworking Building, ca 1911
The drawing shows sketches for the West Elevation, East Front Elevation, South End Elevation, and floor plan of the Metalworking Building. The floor plan shows Metal Workers Room, Office, Designing Room, and Forges & Charcoal Furnace Room. Warren Henry Manning (1860-1938) was a landscape designer, landscape architect, and regional planner from Reading Massachusetts. From 1901 to 1921, Manning corresponded and consulted with Presidents Charles D. McIver and Julius I. Foust about the landscape plans for the campus. He was named the official landscape architect of the college in 1909.
Sketch Plan and Elevations of Pottery Building, ca 1911
This drawing shows sketches for the North Elevation, South Elevation, East Elevation, and Floor Plan. Beneath the East Elevation sketch is a note: "N.B. West elevation is the same." A section drawing of the Longitudinal Section of Roof Edge shows the triangular roof strip. The scale for this detail is 1" = 1'. The floor plan shows the Mixing Room, Laboratory, Office, Moulding Room, Kiln Room with Kilns, and a Designing Room. There is also a detail drawing "A" that shows details and notes for the Roof Boards, Ends of the Roof Rafters, and a Swing Window. Detail drawing "B" shows details and notes for the Window Casement. No scale is given for these details. Warren Henry Manning (1860-1938) was a landscape designer, landscape architect, and regional planner from Reading Massachusetts. From 1901 to 1921, Manning corresponded and consulted with Presidents Charles D. McIver and Julius I. Foust about the landscape plans for the campus. He was named the official landscape architect of the college in 1909.
Sketch Plan of Woodworking Building, ca 1911
This drawing includes sketches of the North Elevation, South Elevation, East Elevation, and West Elevation for the proposed Woodworking Building. Also included is a sketch of Ground Plan (floor plan) that identifies the location of the Storage Room, Office, Woodworking Room, and Designing Room. An annotation on the drawing reads: "Note this same plan may be used for the Binding Building." Warren Henry Manning (1860-1938) was a landscape designer, landscape architect, and regional planner from Reading Massachusetts. From 1901 to 1921, Manning corresponded and consulted with Presidents Charles D. McIver and Julius I. Foust about the landscape plans for the campus. He was named the official landscape architect of the college in 1909.
Weaving Building for Arts and Crafts Village, ca 1911
Drawing shows sketches for the End Elevation, Rear Elevation, Front Elevation, and Ground Plan (floor plan). The Ground Plan shows the Warping Room, Loom Room, Dye Room, Office, and Design Room. The Concrete Footings are indicated in red ink. Warren Henry Manning (1860-1938) was a landscape designer, landscape architect, and regional planner from Reading Massachusetts. From 1901 to 1921, Manning corresponded and consulted with Presidents Charles D. McIver and Julius I. Foust about the landscape plans for the campus. He was named the official landscape architect of the college in 1909.