Lubomir Georgiev Musical Score and Personal Papers Collection

First sonata in E minor for violoncello and piano, op. 38
1 score (37 pages) + 1 part (11 pages) ;30 cm.. For violoncello and piano. Silva Collection copy imperfect; part lacking. Special Collections Eisenberg copy: part lacking; performance notes in the hand of Maurice Eisenberg. Special Collections Greenhouse copy: original score and part wanting; copy is photoreproduction of part only; performance notes in the hand of Bernard Greenhouse. Special Collections Georgiev copy: performance notes, in blue pencil and red ink, in the hand of Lubomir Georgiev; written in pencil on page 4 of part: "Congratulations on 1st in State, Feb. 15-64. " Donated by the estate of Lubomir Georgiev. Special Collections Davies copy: performance notes, in pencil, in the hand of Marion Davies. Part tattered and taped.
Schelomo = (Solomon) : rhapsodie hébraïque pour violoncelle solo et grand orchestre
1 score (35 pages) + 1 part (7 pages) ;31 cm.. For violoncello and orchestra; accompaniment arranged for piano. Special Collections Scholz copy: performance notes in the hand of János Scholz. Special Collections Cowling copy: performance notes in the hand of Elizabeth Cowling. Special Collections Magg copy: performance notes in the hand of Fritz Magg; includes manuscript sketches on the back cover of part. Special Collections Varga copy: performance notes in the hand of Laszlo Varga; includes portrait of Varga, sketched in pencil by an unknown artist, on the back cover of part. . Special Collections Aronson Box 18-10 copy: score lacking, includes cello part only ; performance notes in the hand of Lev Aronson. Special Collections Aronson Box 18-14 copy: score lacking ; includes photocopy of cello part only, bound with black plastic comb bindings in stiff blue paper covers ; performance notes in the hand of Lev Aronson, performance notes differ from those in part in ARONSON BOX 18-10 ; stamp on page 1 of score: "Property of [Selma] Tres Mennis. ";Special Collections Georgiev copy: performance notes, in pencil and red pencil, in an unknown hand; name written in blue ink on cover of score and caption of part: Adelaide Nelson. Special Collections Davies copy: performance notes, in pencil, in the hand of Marion Davies.
Six suites : (Sonatas) for violoncello solo
1 score (47 pages) ;31 cm. For violoncello alone. Special Collections Cowling copy: performance notes in red pencil in the hand of Elizabeth Cowling. Bowings by Luigi Silva. Special Collections Cowling copy: handwritten on cover: "Silva bowings, 1947. ";Special Collections Georgiev copy: performance notes, in pencil, red pencil, and green pencil, in an unknown hand. Written on cover, in black ink, "Lubomir Georgiev;" also written on cover, "Molly Cornell. ";Special Collections Davies copy: performance notes, in pencil, red pencil, and blue pencil, in the hand of Marion Davies. Publisher's no. : 841.