Gertrude Sprague Carraway (1896-1993) graduated in 1915 from the State Normal and Industrial College, now The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She was an author, editor, historian, and journalist. In 1961, Carraway received an honorary degree from her college. Carraway discusses her time at the college, her decision to attend the school, the various classes she took, and the first coeducational class held at the college. She provides details of the assignments to the literary societies and their activities; the social rules of the campus and the role of the lady principal in enforcing the rules; and the establishment of student government, which began in the form of the Student Self Government Association in 1915. Carraway recalls meals in the dining hall, religious activities engaged in by the students, and concerts and theatrical performances held on the campus. She describes several faculty members including Dean Harriet Wiseman Elliott, President Julius Isaac Foust, and Chancellor Walter Clinton Jackson.