Mary Teresa Peacock Douglas Scrapbook
Mary Teresa Peacock Douglas scrapbook, 1919-1923
Mary Teresa Peacock Douglas graduated from the North Carolina College for Women (now The University of North Carolina at Greensboro) with a Bachelor of Science degree in 1923. During her time as a student at NCCW, she was a member of the YWCA Cabinet, Pine Needles Staff, Coraddi Staff, International Relations Club, and the French Club. She was also a Dikean Critic, Proctor, Junior Shop Manager, and Class Historian. This scrapbook, dating from 1919 to 1923, documents Douglas' experience as a student at NCCW. It is titled "My Memory Book: North Carolina College" and contains predominantly black paper annotated in white ink. The scrapbook contains autographs and notes from classmates, Dikean Society ephemera and memorabilia, a history exam, photographs showing campus views, photographs and other materials related to the Woman's building, a photograph of the Votes For Women Booth, the class song of 1923, photographs of Wade Brown and Miss Elliott, and headshots of classmates.