Alamance General Hospital Collection


Acceptance letter on Seymour Holt's resignation and his new placement on the Advisory Board
Acceptance Letter on Holt's resignation and his new placement on the Advisory Board - from M.E. Yount, Jr.
Alamance General Hospital progress report, rumors and answers, and playground equipment
Includes answers to rumors about the Alamance General Hospital, the Alamance General Hospital progress report (nine pages) and playground equipment document.
Application for average rate
North Carolina Fire Insurance Rating Bureau, concerning property at Piedmont Way at Rainey St.
By-Laws / Preamble - Alamance General Hospital Inc.
For the medical staff and governing board at Alamance General Hospital Inc.
Call schedule at Alamance General Hospital
This is typed, with three copies.
Cocolidated statement
Statement of finances and patient days, 1959 and 1960.
Correspondence from M.E. Yount, Jr. to Mrs. E.M. Long
Correspondence from M.E. Yount, Jr. to Mrs. E.M. Long - reference to a resolution in tribute to Mr. Long
Duties and job descriptions
Positions include: Office Manager, Mr. Yount's Secretary, Medical Records Librarian, Medical Technologist, Operating Room Staff, including specific shift duties.
Letter to Mr. M.E. Yount, Jr. from the Kernodle Clinic, Inc.
In reference to declining an invitation to attend the meeting
