Deborah H. Barnes Collection


Unidentified individual at piano
Caption on reverse illegible and missing text.
William Monroe McRae and his daughter in Brooklyn
Caption on reverse: "My father William Monroe McRae and me in Bklyn at home"
Five unidentified children
Caption: "679 Greene Ave"
Dentists Boisy Winslow (B. W.) Barnes and Lloyd Miller
Dr. Barnes and Dr. Miller are in the back row of the photograph.
Esther Middleton Barnes, Milton H. Barnes, Shirley McRae Barnes
Esther Middleton Barnes with Milton H. Barnes and Shirley McRae Barnes on their honeymoon trip at the family home at 124 North Dudley Street in Greensboro.
Milton H. Barnes and Shirley McRae Barnes
Dr. Milton and Shirley McRae Barnes at Barnes family homeplace, 124 North Dudley Street. Caption on reverse "Barnes Dudley st. house 1949"
Esther Middleton Barnes, Boisy Winslow (B.W.) Barnes, and Shirley McRae Barnes
Esther Middleton Barnes, Boisy Winslow (B.W.) Barnes, Shirley McRae Barnes, at the family home at 124 North Dudley Street in Greensboro.
