Jo Evans Lynn Collection

"I will be a father to you..."
Father's Day salute to fathers in the congregation and community.
Do not forsake your mother's teaching [2023]
Mother's Day salute to mothers in the congregation and community.
Do not forsake your mother's teaching [2024]
Mother's Day salute to mothers in the congregation and community.
Gloria, I can't imagine...
Birthday gift to the author's sister.
Going to Tuesday night Bible study
Painting of Mary H. Evans 1931-2007.
Great grandma Hester James 1862-1968
Memorial to the author's great grandmother.
Joseph "Joe" Ervin Evans 1923-1980
Portrait photograph.
Joseph "Joe" Ervin Evans 1923-1980
Portrait photographs.
Missionary Mary H. Evans 1931-2007
Portrait photograph.
Missionary Mother Mary H. Evans
Memorial to the author's mother.
The Evans children
Portrait photographs.