Sunset Hills Neighborhood Project


2012 tour of historic homes
Unidentified article about tour of homes in Sunset Hiils.
A historic home in Sunset Hills: 303 West Greenway Drive North
Program documenting homes featured in Presevation Greensboro's 2012 tour of Sunset Hills.
Attic playroom at 1903 Madison Avenue house
Attrc playroom decorated in a "cruiseliner" motif.
Beach photos
Taken at an unidentified location, ca. late 1940s or early 1950s.
Build your home here in College Park
Advertisement for new homes in College Park.
College Hill holiday walking tour 1993
Guide to properties featured in a 1997 tour of College Hill.
College Hill makes history
Greensboro News & Record article about College Hill hsitoric district designation.
College Park the beautiful
Advertisement for new homes in College Park.
College Park the beautiful
Advertisement for new homes in College Park.
College Park, Lindley Park, and Highland Park West
Documents the development of College Park, Lindley Park, and Highland Park West and notes significant properties.
Community pride list for Boots Hinkle
Handwritten list of "community pride" activities for a neighborhood resident.
Documentation on house at 109 East Greenway Drive South
Documents relating to the 1938 Stafford House, which was the Greensboro College presdent's home from 1953 to 1999.
Greensboro residents and views, ca. 1950s
Taken in a variety of locations including Guilford Battleground National Military Park, West Market Street United Methodist Church, downtown Greensboro, and Sunset Hills.
Historic distrctic design guidelines
Greensboro historic distrrct regulations and procedures.
