Dirk Robertson Collection
Book 1: 2002 to Summer 2012
Personal scrapbook covering the life of Dirk Robertson, LGBTQ+ topics, and performances of the Triad Pride Chorus between 2002 and 2012.
Book 2: Fall 2012 to May 2014
Personal scrapbook covering the life of Dirk Robertson, LGBTQ+ topics, and performances of the Triad Pride Chorus between 2012 and 2014.
Book 3: May 2014 to present
Personal scrapbook covering the life of Dirk Robertson, LGBTQ+ topics, and performances of the Triad Pride Chorus between 2014 and 2018.
Oral History interview with Dirk Robertson and James Sands
Dirk Robertson and James Sands are a married couple in Lewisville, NC. Robetson is the Co Founder, Equality Winston-Salem, has served on the Board of Directors for AIDS Care Services and North Star LGBTQ+ Community Center. He was also a member of the Triad Pride Men's Chorus and founder of the Sunday Tea League Invitational. Both Sands and Robertson are librarians. In this interview Robertson and Sands discuss their life an work in the Triad, touching upon several LGBTQ+ organizations and initiatives. Robertson additionally discusses the 2019 debate of LGBTQ+ acceptance in the Methodist Church. Full transcription and indexing of this interview is still in progress and should be complete in late 2019.