David Gwynn Collection


Former Piedmont Hotel building
Taken inside the abandoned former Piedmont Hotel on West McGee Street in 1980.
Former Piedmont Hotel building
Taken inside the abandoned former Piedmont Hotel on West McGee Street in 1980.
Former Piedmont Hotel building
Taken inside the abandoned former Piedmont Hotel on West McGee Street in 1980.
Former Piedmont Hotel building
Taken inside the abandoned former Piedmont Hotel on West McGee Street in 1980.
Former Piedmont Hotel building
Taken inside the abandoned former Piedmont Hotel on West McGee Street in 1980.
Former Piedmont Hotel building
Taken inside the abandoned former Piedmont Hotel on West McGee Street in 1980.
Four people, possibly at Rendezvous Cafe on Burlington Road
Myrtle May with daughter Sylvia, father L. Broadus Coleman, and an unidentified man, possibly at Rendezvous Cafe on Burlington Road outside Greensboro.
Fun Fourth flier
Schedule flier for the American Revolution Bicentennial celebration in Greensboro.
GGO patch
Patch from the Greater Greensboro Open golf tournament (now the Wyndham Classic).
Girl with two soldiers at ORD-BTC10 in Greensboro
Sylvia May with two soldiers at the Overseas Replacement Depot and Basic Training Center 10 in Greensboro.
Governamental Plaza and downtown Greensboro
Looking north from the 300 block of Federal Place.
Greensboro City Council agenda including anti-discrimination ordinance
Agenda for the Greensboro City Council meeting where a nondiscrimnation ordinance for city hiring was adopted. The vote was reversed two months later.
Greensboro Cracker Barrel protest [clipping file]
Articles documenting issues surrounding the Cracker Barrel restaurant chain and a demonstration in Greensboro, N.C.
Greensboro Kress store
Greensboro Kress store on South Elm Street.
Greensboro residents dressed for sesquicentennial celebration
Richard Chilton, Lucille and Bill Farrington, James Gwynn, and an unidentified man dressed for Greensboro sesquicentennial celebration
Greensboro skyline
Looking south from Summit Avenue toward North Elm Street.
Greensboro skyline
View of the Greensboro skyline from Wendover Avenue.
