First Presbyterian Church Archives

Church program, September 29, 1929
The theme for this service was "Promotion and Rally Day Program" which featured the promotion of youth from the various departments.
Dedication service of the First Presbyterian Church, Greensboro, N.C.
The first service in the new church in Fisher Park was held on October 6, 1929. This program documents that event, includes several photographs of the new and past buildings and pastors, and also includes a brief church history.
Dr. John A. Redhead, Jr. pastor emeritus, fifty years a servant of God
Dr. Redhead was pastor at First Presbyterian Church from 1945 to 1970. He was known well beyond Greensboro because of his radio broadcasts over both the Protestant Radio Network and the Armed Forces Radio.
Minutes of the Womens Missionary Society of the First Presbyterian Church
These minutes document the creation and operation of the Womens Missionary Society, which included several departments, e.g. Foreign Missions, Home Mission,Congregational, Young Peoples, Christian Education. Included are lists of members and officers, and raising funds for the various programs and missions. Mentions are made of meetings in the Smith Building, which is currently the site of the Greensboro Historical Museum, since that was the site of First Presbyterian Church from 1824 until their move to Fisher Park in 1927.
Mortgage burning order of services Sunday, May 6th, 1945
This program includes a list of participants in the service, names of prior building committee members, and a portait of the then current pastor, Reverend Charles Franklin Myers.
Photographs of First Presbyterian Church
These seven photographs document church buildings, as well as an "Every Member Canvas" taken on March 20, 1932. The earliest building, seen in two photographs, is dated to 1846 and represents the second church building. Photograph 003 shows the Smith Building, which was the third church buiding, dating to 1892. There is also a view of the cemetery, which still exists behind the Historical Museum, and an interior view, taken by William A. Roberts, which is a circa 1927 view of the congregation in their new building in Fisher Park.
Session 5/16/1858 - 12/22/1873
This Session minute book (kept by the ruling elders of the church) documents a variety of events and activies, including a record of members, baptisms, and at times detailed remembrances of certain revered church members, e.g. David Park Weir (page 091). Of particular interest are the list African American members of the church, or "colored communicants" as they are documented here (see page 012), which includes the name of their owners.